Sheet Metal
Even though we sell a lot of exact vehicle replacement panels, there's almost always a need for some plain flat stock. It could be to patch a small hole in a floor pan, a hole in the bed floor, maybe a spot in the firewall, or even an area on a bed side. To help with these types of repairs, we're starting to offer flat stock Cold Roll steel. Cold Roll is the common name for steel that is produced in the cold rolling method, processed at close to normal room temperatures. Cold Roll has superior strength and machinability, is easy to work with, and has a surface that's finishes well.
Sheet Metal for Car Repairs
Even though we sell a lot of exact vehicle replacement panels, there's almost always a need for some plain flat stock. It could be to patch a small hole in a floor pan, a hole in the bed floor, maybe a spot in the firewall, or even an area on a bed side. To help with these types of repairs, we're starting to offer flat stock Cold Roll steel. Cold Roll is the common name for steel that is produced in the cold rolling method, processed at close to normal room temperatures. Cold Roll has superior strength and machinability, is easy to work with, and has a surface that's finishes well.