Being a single guy may seem rough this time of year, but there’s a lot of reasons we think you’re better off with your truck this Valentine’s Day than a girlfriend.
Reason #1: Your Truck Can Carry Its Own Stuff
Rather than needing you to carry its purse or shopping bags or groceries, your truck can haul its own stuff – and yours. And on top of that, you can trade in those trips to the mall for working in the garage.
Reason #2: You Get Out What You Put Into the Relationship
Have you ever felt like your relationship with a girlfriend was a one-way street? Well, you’ll never have that issue with your truck. All the hard work you put into maintaining and fixing your truck you get rewarded for. Your truck runs better, looks better, lasts longer, or all of the above.
Reason #3: Trucks Don’t Whine or Nag
No complaining about how late you came home from work or from a night out with the guys. No whining when you want to sleep in on Saturday. Ok, so your truck may make noises sometimes, but it’s probably just telling you that you need to replace your serpentine belt or check your power steering fluid.
Reason #4: You Don’t Have to Meet Your Truck’s Parents
No awkwardly strong handshakes, family dinners, or “family bonding time” required. Your truck doesn’t have parents to meet. Problem solved.
Reason #5: Your Truck Doesn’t Mind Getting a Little Dirty
Off-roading and mudding? Your truck’s 4×4 is ready to go! Hauling the four-wheeler or dirt bike out to go camping for the weekend? Your truck is ready and waiting to leave.
Reason #6: Your Truck Loves Your Music
No need to fight over the radio, your truck is happy to listen to your favorite tunes. Whether you like old school rock, country, pop, or classical jazz (we’re not judging). Even better, you can sing along all you want – you won’t get any judgment from your truck!
Reason #7: You Never Have to Worry About Forgetting Dates
There’s no terror or panic quite like the kind you experience when you realize you’ve forgotten your girlfriend’s birthday, your anniversary – six months is an anniversary? – or some other important date. Your truck doesn’t have a birthday or anniversary to get upset about, so no need to sweat. The only date you need to remember is when to change the oil.
Reason #8: Your Truck Doesn’t Care if You Wipe Your Hands on Your Jeans
We all do it. Engine oil, salt from our French fries, grease from a burger, it all ends up on our jeans. The difference between a girlfriend and your truck? One yells at you for it and one doesn’t give a flying lug nut. Can you guess which is which?
Reason #9: You Never Have to Worry About Being Late
Your truck won’t blow up your phone with a million text messages, three missed calls, and an angry voicemail when you’re running a few minutes behind schedule. Your truck is ready to leave whenever you are and happy to stay as long as you want.
Reason #10: No Gifts Required
No need for chocolate, flowers, dinner dates, or jewelry – what is rose gold, anyway? Your truck knows that you care without all of that.
However, if you are looking to buy something for your truck (and yourself) this Valentine’s Day, Raybuck Auto Body Parts has everything you need to fix up your truck. We carry everything from rust repair panels and replacement parts to a nice new interior seat cover.
Maintaining your truck will always be a labor of love, and we can’t think of a better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than that!
And don’t forget your truck don’t get mad if you turn another on, or drive another one. And no flowers lol